What is a company’s mission?

What is a company’s mission?
A company’s mission and vision provide the breeding ground for the organization’s strategy. All business activities must be related to this. How exactly the relationship between mission, vision and strategy works is discussed in this article.
What is a mission?
A mission states what the organization wants to do for its customers, employees, stakeholders and other interested parties. The mission makes clear what the company stands for and what distinguishes it from other similar organizations, the competitors.
Mission statement
The mission actually determines the place that the company occupies in its economic-social environment and should give direction to the business activities. A mission is usually expressed in a mission statement, a brief statement that describes the ambition and strategy in a nutshell.
Mission statement examples
Mission statements are often found on an organization’s website. Sometimes along with their core values and core qualities. View examples of mission statements from a variety of companies here;
Core elements of the mission
A mission must be specific, distinctive and motivating. The following topics should be reflected in it and should be named from the perspective of the customer and of the organization:
- What is the purpose and why does the organization exist
- What is the domain or market definition of the company
- What are the organizational goals and objectives (ambition)
- What are the values related to employees and stakeholders
- What is the sustainable basis for value creation and positioning

Facebook was not originally created to be a company. It was built to accomplish a social mission – to make the world more open and connected
.Mark Zuckerberg, Founder and former CEO Facebook